1968 – 1974
Studium der Humanmedizin an den Universitäten Mainz, Heidelberg, Grenoble (Frankreich) und Kiel
Medizinisches Staatsexamen, Promotion
Okt. 1974 – Jan. 1976
Jan. 1976
US-amerikanisches medizinisches Staatsexamen ECFMG
Feb. 1976 – Mai 1978
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent, Pharmakologisches Institut der Univ. Heidelberg (Prof. Gross, Prof. Ganten). Beginn experimenteller Arbeiten
Mai 1978 – April 1980
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent am Hotel Dieu und Clinical Research Institute Univ. of Montreal (Kanada, Prof. Genest). Weiterführung der experimentellen Arbeiten und Beginn der klinischen Ausbildung
Juni 1980 – Sept. 1985
Wissenschaftlicher Assistent an der Medizinischen Klinik der Universität Heidelberg und in der nephrologischen Abteilung dieser Klinik (Prof.Ritz, Prof. Schettler), Habilitation
Okt. 1985 – Sept. 1986
Oberarzt im Nierentransplantationsteam der Urologischen Abteilung der Chirurgischen Universitätsklinik Heidelberg (Prof. Röhl)
Okt. 1986 – April 1989
Oberarzt an der Medizinischen Klinik der Universität Heidelberg (Schwerpunkt Nephrologie)
Mai 1989 – Nov. 1992
Geschäftsführender Oberarzt, 4. Medizinische Klinik (Nephrologie),Universität Erlangen- Nürnberg, Professor für Innere Medizin (C3)
Professor für Innere Medizin, Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg
1992 – 2015
Direktor der VI. Medizinischen Klinik des Städt. Krankenhauses München-Schwabing
1992 – heute
Direktor des KfH Nierenzentrums München-Schwabing
2010 – heute
International Scholar, McMaster Universität, Hamilton, Kanada
Facharzt für:
Johannes F. E. Mann, M.D.,
Professor of Medicine, University of Erlangen-Nürnberg and
Director, Dept. of Nephrology, Hypertension & Rheumatology, Munich General Hospitals
Personal data:
Born September 29, 1949 in Germany, married to Irene Frey-Mann, M.D., two children
Training and professional activities
1968-1974 Medical School in Germany and in France.
1974 M.D., University of Heidelberg, Germany
1974-1976 Intern, Univ. of Heidelberg and of Kiel
1976-1978 Reseach fellow, Dept. of Pharmacology, Univ. of Heidelberg (with F. Gross and D. Ganten)
1978-1980 Senior research fellow, Clinical Research Institute of Montréal, Univ. of Montréal & McGill, Canada (with J. Genest),
1980-1985 Resident and senior resident, Depts. of Medicine and of Nephrology, Univ. of Heidelberg (with E. Ritz),
1985-1989 Staff member and assistant professor of medicine, Dept. of Medicine, Univ. of Heidelberg,
1989-1992 Vice-chairman, Dept. of Nephrology, Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg
1989 – today Professor of Medicine, Friedrich- Alexander Univ. of Erlangen-Nuremberg
1992 – today Director, Dept. of Nephrology, Munich General Hospitals, and
KfH Kidney Center, Schwabing, Munich
2010 – today Internatl. Scholar, Population Health Research Institute, McMaster University, Canada Medical degrees
Board certified specialist for
Angiotensin and renal damage,
Physiology of vascular angiotensin formation,
Angiotensin receptor regulation,
Role of the brain renin angiotensin system in hypertension.
Angiotensin and the progression of renal disease,
Renin system and atherosclerosis,
CV disease in renal insufficiency,
Renovascular hypertension,
Intracellular pH and hypertension of chronic renal disease
Clinical pharmacology of erythropoietins, ACEi, ARB, and other drugs in renal failure.
Clinical trial steering committees, PI and coauthorships
AIPRI study (NEJM 1996), HOPE study (NEJM 2000, Lancet 2000, Ann Int Med 2001),
Darbepoietin (Kidn Int 2002), DIABHYCAR study (BMJ 2004), 4D study (NEJM 2005), HOPE-TOO study (NEJM 2006), ONTARGET and TRANSCEND studies (NEJM 2008, Lancet 2008), Renal-ONTARGET study (Lancet 2008) Renal-TRANSCEND study (Ann Int Med 2009), ASCEND study (JASN 2010), LEADER, BEACON, SONAR (ongoing)
Awards and recognitions:
About 210 original papers (IF about 900), about 35 book chapters;
Citations: in the last 5 years listed among the top 35 of German internists (internal medicine and its subspecialities) and among the top 6 German and top 30 European nephrologists
H Index (Google Scholar July 2013): 55
15 highest ranked publications
1) Gansevoort RT, Correa-Rotter R, Hemmelgarn BR, Jafar TH, Lambers Heerspink HJ, Mann JF, Matsushita K, Wen CP
Chronic Kidney Disease amplifies cardiovascular risk: impact, mechanisms and prevention.
Lancet 382: 339-352, 2013 IF 39
2) O’Donnell, MJ, Yusuf S, Mente A, Gao P, Mann JFE, Teo KK, Sleight P, McQueen M, Sharma A, Dans A, Probstfield J, Schmieder RE.
Urinary Sodium and Potassium and Risk of Cardiovascular Events: An Analysis of 7,000 Events in 29,000 High-Risk People
JAMA 306: 2229-2238, 2011 IF 30
3) Tobe SW, Clase CM, Gao P, McQueen M, Grosshennig A, Wang X, Teo KT, Yusuf S, Mann JFE.
Cardiovascular and renal outcomes with telmisartan, ramipril or both in people at high renal risk: results from the ONTARGET and TRANSCEND studies.
Circulation 123: 1098-1107, 2011 IF 15
4) Clase CM, Gao P, Tobe SW, McQueen M, Grosshennig A, Teo KT, Yusuf S, Mann JFE.
Contrasting incremental value of estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria as independent and additive predictors of cardiovascular versus renal outcomes in 27,000 high risk people.
Ann Int Med, 154: 310-318 , 2011 IF 16
5) Mann JFE, Schmieder RE, Dyal L, McQueen M, Schumacher H, Pogue J, Wang X, Probstfield JL, Avezum A, Carduna-Munoz E, Dagenais GR, Diaz R, Fodor G, Maillon JM, Ryden LR, Yu CM, Teo KK, Yusuf S.
Effects of telmisartan on renal outcomes.
Ann Int Med 151:1-10, 2009 IF 16
6) Mann JFE, Schmieder RE, McQueen M, Dyal L, Schumacher H, Pogue J, Wang X, Maggioni A, Budaj A, Dickstein K, Keltai M, Metsärinne K, Oto A, Teo KK, Yusuf S for the ONTARGET investigators.
Renal outcomes with telmisartan, ramipril, or both, in people at high vascular risk (the ONTARGET study): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, controlled trial.
Lancet 372; 547 – 553, 2008 IF 39
7) Wanner Ch, V Krane, W Maerz , M Olschewski, JFE Mann, M Ruf, E Ritz.
Statins in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus undergoing hemodialysis
N Engl J Med 353: 238 – 248, 2005 IF 52
8) Hilgers KF, A Hartner, M Porst, R Veelken, JFE Mann
Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade prevents lethal malignant hypertension: relation to kidney inflammation.
Circulation 104: 1436 – 1440, 2001 IF 15
9) Ritz E, JFE Mann.
Renal angioplasty for lowering blood pressure.
New Engl J Med, 342: 1042 – 1043, 2000 IF 52
10) Gerstein HC, Yusuf S, Mann JF, for The HOPE investigators*
Effects of ramipril on cardiovascular and microvascular outcomes in people with diabetes mellitus: results of the HOPE study and MICRO-HOPE substudy.
Lancet, 355: 253 – 9, 2000 IF 39
11) Maschio G, D Alberti, G Janin, F Locatelli, JFE Mann, M Motolese, C Ponticelli, E Ritz, P Zucchelli.
Effects of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor benazepril on the progression of chronic renal insufficiency.
New Engl J Med 334: 939-945, 1996 IF 52
12) Hilgers KF, R Veelken, I Kreppner, D Ganten, FC Luft, H Geiger, JFE Mann.
Vascular angiotensin and the sympathetic nervous system: do they interact?
Am J Physiol, 267: H187-H194, 1994 IF 4
13) Reusch HP, R Reusch, W Siffert, JFE Mann FC Luft,.
Metabolic acidosis enhances Na/H exchange without affecting Ca-i in human lymphocytes and platelets: differential effects of chronic renal failure and NH4 administration.
J Clin Invest, 92: 858-865, 1993 IF 15
14) Kunz R, Wolbers M, Glass T, Mann JFE.
The COOPERATE trial: a letter of concern.
Lancet 371: 1575, 2008 IF 39
15) Phillips MI, JFE Mann, WE Hoffman, H Haebara, R Dietz, P Schelling, D Ganten
Lowering of hypertension by central saralasin in the absence of plasma renin
Nature 270: 445-447, 1977 IF 37
15 most cited paper (Google Scholar) (Total citations 15,478, since 2008 7,915)
According to Lab Times Journal 2/2013 ranked among the 30 most often cited Renal Investigators in Europe in the last 10 years: http://www.labtimes.org/labtimes/ranking/2013_02/index2.lasso
Number of Citations to the left:
1614 Albuminuria and risk of cardiovascular events, death, and heart failure in diabetic and nondiabetic individuals HC Gerstein, JFE Mann, Q Yi, B Zinman, SF Dinneen, B Hoogwerf, JP Hallé, J … JAMA: the journal of the American Medical Association 286 (4), 421-426, 2001
1405 Atorvastatin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus undergoing hemodialysis C Wanner, V Krane, W März, M Olschewski, JFE Mann, G Ruf, E Ritz New England Journal of Medicine 353 (3), 238-248, 2005
1392 Effect of the angiotensin-converting–enzyme inhibitor benazepril on the progression of chronic renal insufficiency G Maschio, D Alberti, G Janin, F Locatelli, JFE Mann, M Motolese, C … New England Journal of Medicine 334 (15), 939-945, 1996
1224 Renal insufficiency as a predictor of cardiovascular outcomes and the impact of ramipril: the HOPE randomized trial JFE Mann, HC Gerstein, J Pogue, J Bosch, S Yusuf Annals of Internal Medicine 134 (8), 629-636, 2001
661 Renal outcomes with telmisartan, ramipril, or both, in people at high vascular risk (the ONTARGET study): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, controlled trial JFE Mann, RE Schmieder, M McQueen, L Dyal, H Schumacher, J Pogue, X Wang, A … The Lancet 372 (9638), 547-553, 2008
604 Chronic kidney disease effects on the cardiovascular system EL Schiffrin, ML Lipman, JFE Mann Circulation 116 (1), 85-97, 2007
460 Meta-analysis: effect of monotherapy and combination therapy with inhibitors of the renin–angiotensin system on proteinuria in renal disease R Kunz, C Friedrich, M Wolbers, JFE Mann Annals of Internal Medicine 148 (1), 30-48, 2008
287 Effects of the angiotensin-receptor blocker telmisartan on cardiovascular events in high-risk patients intolerant to angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors: a randomised controlled trial. S Yusuf, K Teo, C Anderson, J Pogue, L Dyal, I Copland, H Schumacher, G, JF Mann Lancet 372 (9644), 1174-1183, 2008
252 Effects of vitamin E on cardiovascular and microvascular outcomes in high-risk patients with diabetes results of the Hope Study and Micro-Hope Substudy E Lonn, S Yusuf, B Hoogwerf, J Pogue, Q Yi, B Zinman, J Bosch, G Dagenais, JF Mann Diabetes care 25 (11), 1919-1927, 2002
246 ONTARGET investigators. Renal outcomes with telmisartan, ramipril, or both, in people at high vascular risk (the ONTARGET study): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, controlled trial JF Mann, RE Schmieder, M McQueen, L Dyal, H Schumacher, J Pogue, X Wang, A, S Yusuf Lancet 372 (9638), 547-553, 2008
233 Prognostic impact of body weight and abdominal obesity in women and men with cardiovascular disease GR Dagenais, Q Yi, JFE Mann, J Bosch, J Pogue, S Yusuf American heart journal 149 (1), 54-60, 2005
195 Plasma angiotensin II: dipsogenic levels and angiotensin-generating capacity of renin JF Mann, AK Johnson, D Ganten American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, 238: R372 – R379, 1980
191 The brain isorenin-angiotensin system: biochemistry, localization, and possible role in drinking and blood pressure regulation D Ganten, K Fuxe, MI Phillips, JFE Mann, U Ganten Frontiers in neuroendocrinology 5, 61-99, 1978
168 Safety of the combination of valsartan and benazepril in patients with chronic renal disease LM Ruilope, JC Aldigier, C Ponticelli, P Oddou-Stock, F Botteri, JF Mann Journal of hypertension 18 (1), 89-95, 2000 Effects of central and peripheral angiotensin blockade in hypertensive rats JF Mann, MI Phillips, R Dietz, H Haebara, D Ganten American Journal of Physiology-Heart and Circulatory Physiology 234: H629 – H637, 1978