

  • 1974
  • 1977
  • 1978
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Mann JFE

Prämaligne und maligne Erkrankungen der Vulva und Vagina  Inauguraldissertation, Heidelberg, 1974


Phillips MI, JFE Mann, WE Hoffman, H Haebara, R Dietz, P Schelling, D Ganten

Lowering of hypertension by central saralasin in the absence of plasma renin

Nature 270: 445-447, 1977


3. Mann JFE, MI Phillips, R Dietz, H Haebara, D Ganten
Effects of central and peripheral angiotensin blockade in hypertensive rats
Am J Physiol 234: H629-H637, 1978

4. Dietz R, A Schömig, H Haebara, JFE Mann, W Rascher, JB Lüth, N Grünherz, F Gross
Studies on the pathogenesis of spontaneous hypertension of rats
Circ Res 43: I98 – I106, 1978

5. Mann JFE, W Rascher, A Schömig, R Dietz
Inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in Brattleboro rats with hereditary hypothalmic diabetes insipidus
Klin Wochenschr 56: 67-70, 1978

6. Johnson AK, W Simon, K Schatz, U Ganten, D Ganten, JFE Mann
Increased blood pressure response to central angiotensin II in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Klin Wochenschr 56: 47-49, 1978

7. Rascher W, JFE Mann, A Schömig, R Dietz
Effects of beta-adrenergic blocking agents on peripheral vascular resistance
Klin Wochenschr 56: 87-90, 1978

8. Gless KH, N Gram, G Bönner, JFE Mann, A Helber, D Ganten
Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic studies of infusions with (sar1, val5, ala8) angiotensin II (saralasin)
Klin Wochenschr 56: 97-195, 1978

9. Schömig A, R Dietz, W Rascher, JB Lüth, JFE Mann,
M Schmidt, M Weber
Sympathetic vascular tone in spontaneous hypertension of rats
Klin Wochenschr 56: 131-138, 1978


10. Mann JFE, W Rascher, R Dietz, A Schömig, D Ganten
Effects of an orally active converting enzyme inhibitor, SQ 14225, on pressor responses to angiotensin administered into the brain ventricles of spontaneously hypertensive rats
Clinical Science 56: 585-589, 1979

11. Rascher W, R Dietz, A Schömig, JB Lüth, JFE Mann, F Gross
Modulation of vascular tone by prostaglandins in corticosterone-induced hypertension in rats
Clinical Science 57: 235s-237, 1979


12. Mann JFE, AK Johnson, D Ganten
Plasma angiotensin II: Dipsogenic levels and the angiotensin generating capacity of renin
Am J Physiol 238: R372-377, 1980

13. van Houtten M, EL Schiffrin, JFE Mann, BI Posner, R Boucher
Radioautographic localization of specific binding sites for blood borne angiotensin II in the brain
Brain Res 186: 480-485, 1980

14. Mann JFE, EL Schiffrin, PW Schiller, W Rascher, R Boucher, J Genest
Central actions and brain receptor binding of angiotensin II: Influence od sodium intake
Hypertension 2: 437-433, 1980

15. Mann JFE, R Boucher, PW Schiller
Rotational syndrome after central injection of C-terminal 7-peptide of cholecystokinin
Pharmacol Biochem Behav 13: 125-127, 1980

16. Nemes Z, R Dietz, JFE Mann, JB Lüth, F Gross
Vasoconstriction and increased blood pressure in the developement of accelerated vascular disease
Virchow`s Archiv A 386: 161-173, 1980


17. Johnson AK, JFE Mann, W Rascher, J Johnson, D Ganten
Plasma angiotensin II concentrations and experimentaly induced thirst
Am J Physiol 240: R229-R234, 1981

18. Mann JFE, AK Johnson, W Rascher, J Genest, D Ganten
Thirst in the rat after ligation of the inferior vena cava: role of angiotensin II
Pharmacol Physiol Behav 15: 337-341, 1981

19. Mann JFE, P Schiller, EL Schiffrin, R Boucher, J Genest
Brain receptor binding and central actions of angiotensin analogs in rats
Am J Physiol 241: R124-R129, 1981

20. Simon W, K Schatz, JFE Mann, U Ganten, AK Johnson, T Unger, W Rascher, D Ganten
The effects of beta-adrenoreceptor blockers on blood pressure responses to central angiotensin II
Neuropharmacology 20: 719-726, 1981

21. Ganten D, RE Lang, W Rascher, J Mann, T Unger
Pathophysiologie der essentiellen Hypertonie
Münch Med Wochenschr 123: 1780-1784, 1981


22. Mann JFE, W Rascher, A Schömig, NT Buu, O Kuchel,
R Boucher, J Genest
Contribution of the sympathetic nervous system to the centrally induced pressor action of angiotensin II in rats
Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol 9: 193-201, 1982

23. Mann JFE
Brain angiotensin receptors: possible physiological implications
Exp Brain Res 4: 242-254, 1982


24. Gless KH, U Roelcke, W Fiehn, J Mann, K Schatz,
U Sütterlin, GA Speck
Kationenfluxe am Erythrozyten bei Patienten mit essentieller Hypertonie
Klin Wochenschr 61: 517-521, 1983

25. Mann J, E Ritz
Neueinstellung schwerer Hypertonien auf Captopril
Dtsch Med Wochenschr 108: 961-962, 1983

26. Mann JFE, R Dietz, E Ritz, D Ganten
Different antagonist potency of saralasin in acute and chronic angiotensin-dependent hypertension
Europ J Pharmacol 92: 207-213, 1983

27. Kreusser W, JFE Mann, M Rambausek, P Klooker, O Mehls, E Ritz
Cardiac function in experimental uremia
Kidney Int 24: 83-88, 1983

28. Rambausek M, W Rascher, JFE Mann, E Ritz
Action of parathyroid hormone on resistance vessels
J Hypertension 1: suppl 1, 310-312, 1983

29. Mann J, E Ritz
Maligne Hypertonie
Lebensversicherungsmedizin 35: 102-107, 1983


30. Mikisch O, J Bommer, S Bachmann, R Waldherr, JFE Mann, E Ritz
Multicystic transformation of kidneys in chronic renal failure
Nephron 38: 93-99, 1984

31. Mann JFE
Mechanisms of the antihypertensive action of captopril
Contr Nephrol 43: 171-181, 1984

32. Mann JFE, M Hausen, KH Jakobs, A Kutter, W Nagel,
W Rascher, M Schick, R Sudhoff, E Ritz
Adrenergic responsiveness in experimental uremia
Contr Nephrol 41: 19-24, 1984


33. Mann J, P Klooker, E Ritz
Störungen des Elektrolyt- und Wasserhaushaltes bei Patienten mit Leberzirrhose
Innere Medizin 12: 57-62, 1985

34. Mann J
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur physiologischen Rolle der Angiotensin II Wirkung auf das Gehirn
Habilitationsschrift, Heidelberg, 1985

35. Mann JFE, J Sis, E Ritz
Angiotensin II binding to human blood cells
Hypertension 3: 131-137, 1985


36. Mann JFE, KH Jakobs, J Riedel, E Ritz
Reduced chronotropic responsiveness of the heart in experimental uremia
Am J Physiol 250: H846-H852, 1986

37. Mann JFE, RE Lang
Increase of circulating atrial natriuretic peptide in acute pulmonary embolism
Brit Med J 292: 732, 1986

38. Wiecek A, JFE Mann, R Nowak, E Ritz
Effects of lead intoxication on blood pressure and vascular reactivitiy in spontaneously hypertensive rats
J Hypertension, 4: S45-S47, 1986

39. Mann JFE, M Leidig, E Ritz
Circulating angiotensin II levels in humans correlate with angiotensin II binding capacity of platelets
J Hypertension 4: s406-407, 1986

40. Ritz E, A Wiecek, JFE Mann
Nierenfunktion bei Beibelastung
Klin Wochenschr 64: 871-875, 1986

41. Rambausek M., JFE Mann, G Mall, W Kreusser, E Ritz
Cardiac findings in experimental uremia
Contr Nephrol 52: 125-133, 1986


42. Mann J, E Ritz
Rationelle Diagnostik der Hämaturie
Dtsch Med Wschr 112: 1306-1309, 1987

43. Ritz E, Ch Hasslacher, W Tschöpe, M Koch, JFE Mann
Hypertension in diabetes mellitus
Contr Nephrol 54: 77-85, 1987

44. Mall G, K Klingel, H Baust, Ch Hasslacher, JFE Mann, T Mattfeld, R Waldherr
Synergistic effects of diabetes mellitus and renovascular hypertension on rat heart – stereological investigations in papillary muscle
Virch Arch A 411: 531-542, 1987

45. Mann JFE, G Gallasch, M Zeier, D Karcher, R Bergbreiter, E Ritz
Size-dependent differential response of human retinal arteries to atrial natriuretic factor (102-126) in vivo
J Hypertension 5: S49-S50, 1987

46. Mann JFE, R Miemietz, U Ganten, E Ritz
Hemodynamic effects of intact digoxin antibody and its Fab fragments in experimental hypertension
J Hypertension 5: 543-549, 1987

47. Clorius JH, JFE Mann, P Schmidlin, LG Strauss, T Saur, G Irnsgartinger
Clinical evaluation of patients with hypertension and exercise-induced renal dysfunction
Hypertension 10: 287-293, 1987

48. Reisch Ch, JFE Mann, E Ritz
Konversionsenzymhemmer in der antihypertensiven Behandlung niereninsuffizienter Patienten
Dtsch Med Wschr 112: 1249-1252, 1987

49. Hasslacher Ch, D Brocks, JFE Mann, G Mall, R Waldherr
Influence of hypertension on serum concentration of type IV collagen antigens in streptozotocin-diabetic and non-diabetic rats
Diabetologia 30: 344-347, 1987

50. Mann JFE, A Wiecek, J Bommer, U Ganten, E Ritz
Effects of parathyroidectomy on blood pressure in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Nephron 45: 46-52, 1987

51. Mann JFE, AK Johnson, D Ganten, E Ritz
Thirst and the renin-angiotensin system
Kidney Int 32: (suppl 21): s27-s34, 1987


52. Mann JFE, S Eisele, R Rettig, Th Unger, AK Johnson, D Ganten, E Ritz
Renin-dependent water intake in hypovolemia
Pflüger`s Arch 412: 574-578, 1988

53. Mikisch O, M Schmid, J Mann, Th Helder, F Bergen, EW
Rauterberg, E Ritz
Calciumantagonisten bei chronischer Niereninsuffizienz: Unerwünschte Effekte auf die glomeruläre Hämodynamik?
Dtsch Med Wochenschr 113: 1546-1548, 1988

54. Mann JFE, M Leidig, E Ritz
Human angiotensin II receptors are regulated by
angiotensin II
Clin Exp Hypertension A10: 151-168, 1988

55. Mall G, T Mattfeldt, M Rambausek, Ch Hasslacher, J Mann, E Ritz
Reaction patterns of the myocardial interstitium in different models of cardiac hypertrophy – stereological investigations
Gegenb Morphol Jahrb 135: 151-158, 1988

56. Mann JFE, M Zeier, E Zilow, K Schärer, I Anton-Lamprecht, R Waldherr, K Andrassy, E Ritz
The spectrum of renal involvement in epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica hereditaria: report of two cases
Am J Kidney Dis 11: 437-441, 1988

57. Ritz E, JFE Mann, A Wiecek
Does lead play a role in the development of renal insufficiency?
Contr Nephrol 64: 43-48, 1988

58. Mann J, E Ritz
Renin-Angiotensin System beim diabetischen Patienten
Klin Wochenschr 66: 883-891, 1988

59. Ritz E, Ch Hasslacher, JFE Mann
Rational drug treatment of the hypertensive diabetic with nephropathy
J Diabetic Complic 2: 171-174, 1988

60. Hasslacher Ch, E Ritz, W Tschöpe, G Gallasch, JFE Mann
Hypertension in diabetes mellitus
Kidney Int, 34 (Suppl. 25): 133-137, 1988


61. Mann J
Hypertonie bei Niereninsuffizienz
Münch Med Wschr 131: 866-870, 1989

62. Reisch Ch, JFE Mann, E Ritz
Are ACE-Inhibitors the treatment of choice in renoparenchymatous hypertension?
Arquivos de Medicina 2: 327-332, 1989

63. Ritz E, M Rambausek, JFE Mann, Ch Hasslacher
Niere und Hochdruck
Innere Med 16: 7-12, 1989

64. Ritz E, M Rambausek, Ch Hasslacher, JFE Mann
Pathogenesis of hypertension in glomerular disease
Am J Nephrol 9: 85-90, 1989

65. Mann JFE, Ch Reisch, R Bergbreiter, D Karcher, E Hackenthal, P Vecsei, J Nussberger, E Ritz
Effects of WY 47987 (atrial natriuretic factor 102-126) in patients with renal insufficiency: a placebo-controlled, randomised study
Nephrol Dial Transplant 4: 776-781, 1989

66. Hilgers KF, M Kuczera, MJ Wilhelm, A Wiecek, E Ritz, D Ganten, JFE Mann
Angiotensin formation in the isolated rat hindlimb
J Hypertension 7: 789-798, 1989

67. Mann JFE, H Mürtz, J Sis, KH Usadel, Ch Hasslacher, E Ritz Specific binding of angiotensin II and atrial natriuretic factor in non-nephropathic type I diabetes mellitus
Nephrol Dial Transplant 4: 530-534, 1989

68. Wiecek A, M Kucera, U Ganten, E Ritz, JFE Mann
Influence of parathyroidectomy on blood pressure and vascular reactivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Clin Exp Hypertension A11: 1515-1533, 1989

69. Merke J, Ph A Lucas, A Szabo, G Cournot-Witmer, G Mall, R Bouillon, T Drüecke, J Mann, E Ritz.
Hyperparathyroidism and abnormal calcitriol metabolism in the spontaneously hypertensive rat.
Hypertension 13: 233-242, 1989


70. Neumayer HH, S Küchler, F Luft, J Mann, M Weber, RB
Aseptische Femurkopfnekrosen nach Nierentransplantation
Zeitschr Transpl 3: 22-29, 1990

71. Schmid M, JFE Mann, G Stein, M Herter, J Nussberger, A
Klingbeil, E Ritz.
Natriuresis-pressure relationship in polycystic kidney disease
J Hypertension 8: 277-283, 1990


72. Kuczera M, K Hilgers, Ch Lisson, D Ganten, U Hilgenfeldt, E Ritz, JFE Mann.
Local angiotensin formation in hindlimbs of uremic hypertensive and renovascular hypertensive rats
J Hypertension 9: 41-48, 1991

73. Hilgers KF, JFE Mann, U Hilgenfeld, D Ganten.
Vascular production and regulation of angiotensin.
Blood Vessels, 28: 201-209, 1991

74. Mann J.
Diagnostik und invasive Therapie der renovaskulären Hypertonie
Med Welt, 42: 966-969, 1991

75. Luft FC, Mann JFE
Sodium and its interrelationships with other pressor systems in hypertension
Curr Opin Cardiol, 6: 697-703, 1991


76. Luft FC, H Geiger, R Schmieder, J Mann.
Nicht-pharmakologische Maßnahmen zur Blutdruck Senkung: Rolle von Adipositas, Kochsalz und Alkohol.
Dtsch Med Wschr, 117: 145-149, 1992

77. Luft FC, M Weber, J Mann.
Kochsalzkonsum und arterielle Hypertonie.
Dtsch Ärztebl 89: 791-795, 1992

78. Hilgers KF, R Veelken, FC Luft, H Geiger, JFE Mann.
Hypertonie als Risikofaktor für die Progression der Niereninsuffizienz.
Internist, 33: s27-s30,1992

79. Luft FC, JFE Mann.
Antihypertensive drugs: new classes and new findings with established agents.
Curr Opin Cardiol, 1: 91-99, 1992

80. Füger K, E Fleischmann, M Weber, J Mann.
Komplikationen im Verlauf eines Muckle-Wells Syndroms.
Dtsch Med Wschr, 117: 256-260, 1992

81. Hilgers KF, J Peters, R Veelken, M Sommer, G Rupprecht, D Ganten, FC Luft, JFE Mann.
Increased vascular renin formation in female rats harbouring the mouse ren-2 gene.
Hypertension 19: 687-691, 1992

82. Leidig M, T Schmiedecke, S John, J Mann, M Weber.
Spontane Nierenruptur als Frühkomplikation einer Wegener-Granulomatose.
Dtsch Med Wschr, 117: 455-459, 1992

83. Schmieder RE, J Mann, HH Neumayer.
Unterschiedliche Ausprägung und Konsequenzen der linksventrikulären Hypertrophie bei sekundärer und bei essentieller Hypertonie.
Nieren- & Hochdruckkrankh, 21: 570-572, 1992

84. Mann JFE, KF Hilgers, R Veelken, FC Luft.
Effect of antihypertensive therapy on the progression of non-diabetic renal disease.
Clin Nephrol, 38: s74-77, 1992


85. Hilgers KF, R Veelken, G Rupprecht, PW Reeh, FC Luft, JFE Mann.
Angiotensin II facilitates sympathetic nervous transmission in skeletal muscle resistance vessels.
Hypertension, 21: 322-8, 1993

86. Veelken R, KF Hilgers, JFE Mann, FC Luft.
A highly selective cardiorenal, serotonergic, 5-HT3-mediated reflex in conscious rats.
Am J Physiol, 264: H1871-H1877, 1993

87. Hilgers KF, U Hilgenfeld, R Veelken, Th Muley, D Ganten, FC Luft, JFE Mann.
Angiotensinogen is cleaved to angiotensin in isolated blood vessels.
Hypertension, 21: 1030-4, 1993

88. Schweizer Ch, G Kaiser, W Dieterle, J Mann.
Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of benazepril hydrochloride in patients with major proteinuria.
Eur J Clin Pharmacol, 44: 463-6, 1993

89. Neumayer HH, M Kienbaum, S Graf, M Schreiber, JFE Mann, FC Luft.
Prevalence and long-term outcome of glomerulonephritis in renal allografts.
Am J Kidn Dis, 22: 320-5, 1993

90. Hilgers KF, R Veelken, M Mai, U Ganten, D Ganten, FC Luft, JFE Mann.
Vascular conversion of angiotensin I in stroke-prone spontaneously hypertensive rats and Wistar-Kyoto rats.
J Hypertension, 11: 1053-1059, 1993

91. Reusch HP, R Reusch, W Siffert, JFE Mann, FC Luft.
Metabolic acidosis enhances Na/H exchange without affecting Ca-i in human lymphocytes and platelets: differential effects of chronic renal failure and NH4 administration.
J Clin Invest, 92: 858-865, 1993

92. Mai M, H Geiger, KF Hilgers, R Veelken, JFE Mann, J Dämmrich, FC Luft. Early interstitial changes in hypertension induced renal injury.
Hypertension, 22: 754-765, 1993

93. Fleischmann E, FC Luft, J Mann.
Die Kontrastmittelnephropathie.
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankh, 22: 117-186, 1993

94. Mann JFE, M Goerig, K Brune, FC Luft.
Ibuprofen as an over-the-counter drug: is there a risk for renal injury?
Clin Nephrol, 39: 1-6, 1993

95. Hilgers KF, JFE Mann.
Tissue renin: focus on vascular angiotensin formation.
Drug Res, 43: 198-201, 1993


96. Mann J.
Renin und Regulation des Blutdrucks.
Deut Med Wschr, 119: 965-966, 1994

97. Hilgers KF, W Fischli, R Veelken, JFE Mann.
Vascular renin in the guinea pig: suppression by the renin inhibitor remikiren.
Hypertension, 23: 861-864, 1994

98. Veelken R, KF Hilgers, T Ditting, M Leonhard, JFE Mann, H Geiger, FC Luft.
Impaired cardiovascular reflexes precede deoxycorticosterone acetat-salt hypertension.
Hypertension, 24: 564-570, 1994

99. Hilgers KF, R Veelken, I Kreppner, D Ganten, FC Luft, H Geiger, JFE Mann.
Vascular angiotensin and the sympathetic nervous system: do they interact?
Am J Physiol, 267: H187-H194, 1994

100. Mann J, K Hilgers, R Velken.
Akutes Nierenversagen ausgelöst durch ACE Hemmer
Intensivmedizin, 31: 428-435, 1994


101. Mai M, KF Hilgers, J Wagner, JFE Mann, H Geiger.
Expression of converting enzyme in renovascular hypertensive rat kidney.
Hypertension, 25: 674-678, 1995.

102. Reusch HP, JFE Mann, MJ Mihatsch, W Siffert, FC Luft.
Light chain-induced renal tubular acidosis: effect of sodium-bicarbonate on accelerated sodium-proton exchange.
Nephrol Dial Transplant, 10: 39-46, 1995

103. Mann JFE.
The diagnosis of renovascular hypertension: state of the art 1995
Nephrol Dial Transplant, 10: 1285-6, 1995

104. Müller DN, KF Hilgers, J Bohlender, A Lippoldt, J Wagner, W Fischli, D Ganten, JFE Mann, FC Luft.
Effects of human renin in the vasculature of rats transgenic for human angiotensinogen
Hypertension, 26: 272-8, 1995


105. Veelken R, A Glabasnia, A Stetter, KF Hilgers, JFE Mann, RE Schmieder.
Epicardial bradykinin B2 receptors elicit a sympathoexcitatory reflex in rats.
Hypertension, 28: 388-395, 1996

106. Mann JFE for the AIPRI investigators.
ACE inhibition in chronic renal failure: a step forward.
Nephrol Dial Transplant, 11: 932-3, 1996

107. Mann J.
Angiotensin Rezeptor Antagonisten.
DMW, 121: 568-571, 1996

108. Veelken R, KF Hilgers, A Stetter, HG Siebert, R Schmieder, JFE Mann.
Nerv-mediated antidiuresis and antinatriuresis after air-jet stress is modulated by angiotensin II.
Hypertension 28: 825-832, 1996

109. Schmieder RE, H.P.Schobel, CE Gatzka, W Häuser, P Dominiak, JFE Mann, FC Luft.
Effects of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor on renal haemodynamics during mental stress.
J Hypertension 14: 1201-1207, 1996

110. Hilgers KF, JFE Mann.
Role of angiotensin II in glomerular injury: lessons from experimental and clinical studies.
Kidney Blood Press Res 19: 254-262, 1996

111. Maschio G, D Alberti, G Janin, F Locatelli, JFE Mann, M Motolese, C Ponticelli, E Ritz, P Zucchelli.
Effects of the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor benazepril on the progression of chronic renal insufficiency.
New Engl J Med 334: 939-945, 1996

112. The Hope Investigators.
The HOPE study: aims and design.
Canadian J Cardiol 12: 127-137, 1996


113. Schmieder RE, R Veelken, P Dominiak, FC Luft, JFE Mann.
Glomerular Hyperfiltration during sympathetic nervous system activation in early essential hypertension.
J Am Soc Nephrol, 8: 893-900, 1997

114. van Hout BA, GP Simeon, J McDonnell, JFE Mann.
Economic evaluation of benazepril in chronic renal insufficiency.
Kidney Intern 52:s159-162, 1997

115. Veelken R, M Leonhard, A Stetter, KF Hilgers, JFE Mann, PW Reeh, H Geiger, FC Luft.
Pulmonary serotonin 5HT3 sensitive afferent fibers modulate renal sympathetic nerve activity in rats.
Am J Physiol 272: H979 – H986, 1997

116. Locatelli F, IRI Carbans, G Maschio, JFE Mann, C Ponticelli, E Ritz, D Alberti, M Motolese, G Janin, P Zucchelli.
Long-term progression of chronic renal insufficiency in the AIPRI extension study.
Kidney Intern 52: s63-66, 1997


117. Mann J, U Schmidt.
Differentialdiagnostik der Leukozyturie.
Münch. Med. Wschr. 140: 103, 1998

118. Veelken R, KF Hilgers, JFE Mann.
The acute renal effects of angiotensin II receptor blockers.
Nephrol. Dial. Transpl. 13: 1928-9, 1998

119. Mann J, KF Hilgers, RE Schmieder, R Veelken.
Renale Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen der Angiotensin-Rezeptor-Antagonisten.
Deut. Ärzteblatt 95: A-3287-3291, 1998

120. Veelken R, KF Hilgers, KE Scrogin, RS Schmieder,
JFE Mann.
Endogenous angiotensin II and the reflex response to stimulation of cardiopulmonary 5HT3 receptors.
Brit. J. Pharmacol. 125: 1761 – 1767, 1998


121. Mann JFE.
Valsartan and the kidney: present and future.
J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 33: 537-540, 1999

122. Maschio G, D Alberti, F Locatelli, JFE Mann.
Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors and kidney protection: the AIPRI trial.
J. Cardiovasc. Pharmacol. 33: S16-S20, 1999

123. Faulhaber HD, JFE Mann, G Stein, U Jansa, P Oddou-Stock, D Spormann, R Heath, KG Klingl, F Bodin, FC Luft.
Effect of valsartan on renal function in patients with hypertension and stable renal insufficiency.
Curr Ther Res 60: 170 – 183, 1999


124. The HOPE investigators*
Effects of an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, ramipril, an death from cardiovascular causes, myocardial infarction, and stroke in high-risk patients.
New Engl J Med, 342: 145 – 153, 2000

125. The HOPE investigators*
Effects of long-term vitamin E supplementation on cardiovascular events in 9541 high-risk persons.
New Engl J Med, 342: 154 – 160, 2000

126. Gerstein HC, Mann JF, Yusuf S, for The HOPE investigators*
Effects of ramipril on cardiovascular and microvascular outcomes in people with diabetes mellitus: results of the HOPE study and MICRO-HOPE substudy.
Lancet, 355: 253 – 9, 2000
* Mein Anteil: Mitglied des Steuerungs-, Publikations- & Endpunktkomittees, Hauptverantwortlicher der Studie in Europa,
Autor der Lancet Arbeit

127. Kronenberg F., E Kuen, E Ritz, P König, G Kraatz, JFE Mann, GA Müller, U Neyer, W Riegel, P Riegler, V Schwenger, A v. Eckardstein.
Lipoprotein(a) serum concentrations and apolipoprotein (a) phenotypes in mild and moderate renal failure.
J Am Soc Nephrol 11: 105 – 115, 2000

128. Ruilope LM, JC Aldigier, C Ponticelli, P Oddou-Stock, F Botteri, JFE Mann.
Safety of the combination of valsartan amd benazepril in chronic renal disease.
J Hypertension 18: 89 – 95, 2000

129. Ritz E, JFE Mann.
Renal angioplasty for lowering blood pressure.
New Engl J Med, 342: 1042 – 1043, 2000

130. Mann JFE.
Should the results of the Hope study affect nephrological practice?
Nephrol Dialysis Transplant, 15: 453 – 454, 2000

131. Hilgers KF, A Hartner, R Veelken, JFE Mann.
Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 and macrophage infiltration in hypertensive kidney injury: role of the angiotensin II type 1 receptor.
Kidney Intern, 58: 2408 – 2419, 2000

132. Gerstein HC, S Dinneen, JP Halle, B Hoogwerf, C Joyce, SN Sacks, A Rashkow, J Young, B Zinman, JFE Mann.
The prevalence and characteristics of patients with microalbuminuria in the HOPE and MICROHOPE study.
Diabetes Care 23 (suppl 2): B35 – B39, 2000

133. Marre M, M Lievre, D Vasmant, Y Gallois, S Hadjadj, JC Reglier, G Chatellier, JFE Mann, GC Viberti, P Passa.
Determinants of elevated urinary albumin in 25,455 type 2 diabetic subjects in western europe and in north africa: recruitment phase of the DIABHYCAR study
Diabetes Care 23 (suppl 2): B40 – B47, 2000


134. Bostom AG, F Kronenberg, RY Gohh, V Schwenger, E Kuen, P König, G Kraatz, K Lhotta, JFE Mann, GA Müller, U Neyer, W Riegel, P Riegler, E Ritz, J Selhub.
Chronic renal transplantation: a model for the hyperhomocysteinemia of renal insufficiency.
Atherosclerosis 156: 227- 230, 2001

135. Mann JFE, HC Gerstein, J Pogue, J Bosch, S Yusuf.
Renal insufficiency as a predictor of cardiovascular outcomes and the impact of ramipril: the HOPE randomized trial.
Ann Int Med 134: 629 – 636, 2001

136. Bostom AG, F Kronenberg, PF Jacques, E Kuen, E Ritz, P König, G Kraatz, K Lhotta, JFE Mann, GA Müller, U Neyer, W Riegel, V Schwenger, P Riegler, , J Selhub.
Proteinuria and plasma total homocysteine levels in chronic renal disease patients with a normal range plasma creatinine: critical impact of true glomerular filtration rate.
Atherosclerosis 159: 219 – 223, 2001

137. Abele-Horn M, P Emmerling, JFE Mann.
Lemierre’s syndrome with spondylitis and pulmonary and gluteal abscesses associated with mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia.
Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis, 20: 263 – 266, 2001

137. Hilgers KF, A Hartner, M Porst, R Veelken, JFE Mann
Angiotensin II type 1 receptor blockade prevents lethal malignant hypertension: relation to kidney inflammation.
Circulation 104: 1436 – 1440, 2001

138. Gerstein HC, JFE Mann, Q Yi, B Zinman, SF Dineen, B Hoogwerf, JP Halle, J Young, A Rashkow, C Joyce, S Nawaz, S Yusuf.
Albuminuria and risk of cardiovascular events, death and heart failure in diabetic and non-diabetic individuals.
JAMA 286: 421 – 6, 2001

139. Krumme B, Mann JFE.
Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis in 2001 – are we less confused than before?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 16: 2124 – 2127, 2001


140. Kronenberg F, E Kuen, E Ritz, P König, G Kraatz, KL Lhotta, JFE Mann, GA Müller, U Neyer, W Riegel, P Riegler, V Schwenger, A v Eckardstein.
Apolipoprotein A-IV serum concentrations are elevated in patients with mild and moderate renal failure.
J Am Soc Nephrol, 2002; 13: 461 – 469

141. Hilgers KF, JFE Mann.
ACE inhibitors versus AT1 receptor antagonists in patients with chronic renal disease.
J Am Soc Nephrol, 2002; 13: 1100 – 1108

142. Lonn EM, Lonn E, Yusuf S, Hoogwerf B, Pogue J, Yi Q, Zinman B, Bosch J, Dagenais G, Mann JFE, Gerstein H, on behalf of the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE)
Effects of vitamin E on cardiovascular and microvascular outcomes in high risk patients with diabetes: results of the HOPE study and the MICRO-HOPE substudy.
Diabetes Care 2002; 25: 1919- 27

143. Mann JFE, HC Gerstein, J Pogue, E Lonn, S Yusuf.
Cardiovascular risk in patients with early renal insufficiency – implications for the use of ACE inhibitors.
Am J Cardiovasc Drugs 2002; 2: 157 – 62

144. Schmidt U, J Franke, U Thomae, J Mann.
Internist, 2002; 43: 749 – 58

145. Vanrenterghem Y, P Barany, JFE Mann, PG Kerr, J Wilson, NF Baker, SJ Gray.
Randomized trial of darbepoietin alfa for treatment of renal anemia at a reduced frequency compared with rHuEPO in dialysis patients.
Kidney Intern, 2002; 62:2167 – 75


146. Mann JFE, I Dulau-Florea, J Franke.
Looking for people at high cardiovascular risk? Look at serum creatinine.
Europ Heart J, 2003; 24: 381-3

147. Lonn EM, HC Gerstein, M Smieja, JFE Mann, S Yusuf.
Mechanisms of cardiovascular risk reduction with ramipril: insights from the HOPE substudies.
Eur Heart J 2003; 5 (suppl. A): A43-A48

148. Mann JFE, HC Gerstein, QL Yi, EM. Lonn, BJ Hoogwerf, A Rashkow, S Yusuf Development of renal disease in people at high cardiovascular risk: results of the HOPE randomized study.
J Am Soc Nephrol 2003; 14: 641-7

149. Dulau-Florea I, J Franke, J Mann.
Mäßige Niereninsuffizienz: ein erheblicher kardiovaskulärer Risikofaktor.
Dtsch Med Wochenschr 2003; 128: 1247-51

150. Mann JFE, HC Gerstein, I Dulau-Florea, E Lonn
Cardiovascular risk in patients with mild renal insufficiency.
Kidney Intern 2003; 63: s192-s196

151. Mann JFE, HC Gerstein, QL Yi, J Franke, EM Lonn, BJ Hoogwerf, A Rashkow, S Yusuf.
Progression of renal insufficiency in type 2 diabetes with and without microalbuminuria: results of the HOPE randomized study.
Am J Kidney Dis 2003; 43: 936 – 42


152. Marre M, G Chattelier, D Vasmant, JFE Mann, P Passa, J Menard.
Effects of low-dose ramipril on cardiovascular and renal outcomes in patients with type 2
diabetes and elevated excretion of urinary albumin: results of the DIABHYCAR study, a
randomised, double-blind, placebo, controlled trial.
Brit Med J 328: 493 – 498, 2004

153. Pinkau T, KF Hilgers, R Veelken, JFE Mann.
How does minor renal dysfunction influence cardiovascular risk and the management of cardiovascular disease?
J Am Soc Nephrol 15: 517 – 523, 2004

154. Mann JFE, EM Lonn, QL Yi, HC Gerstein, BJ Hoogwerf, J Pogue, J Bosch, GR Dagenais, S Yusuf.
Effects of vitamin E on cardiovascular outcomes in people with mild-to-moderate renal insufficiency: results of the HOPE study.
Kidney International 65: 1375 – 1380, 2004

155. Wanner Ch, V Krane, W März, M Olschewski, HG Asmus, W Krämer, KW Kühn, H Kütemeyer, JFE Mann, G Ruf, E Ritz.
Randomized controlled trial on the efficacy and safety of atorvastatin in patients with type 2 diabetes on hemodialysis (4D study): demographic and baseline characteristics.
Kidney Blood Press Res 27: 259 – 266, 2004

156. Pinkau T, JFE Mann, G Ndrepepa, J Mehilli, M Hadamitzky, S Braun, A Kastrati, A Schömig,.
Coronary stenting in people with mild to moderate renal insufficiency: restenosis rate and cardiovascular outcomes.
Am J Kid Dis 44: 627 – 635, 2004

157. The Ontarget/Transcend investigators.
Rationale, design, and baseline characteristics of 2 large, simple, randomised trials evaluating, telmisartan, ramipril, and their combination in high risk patients: The ONTAGET/TRANSCEND trials.
Am Heart J 148: 52-61, 2004

158. Mann JFE, QL Yi, HC Gerstein.
Albuminuria as a predictor of cardiovascular and renal outcomes in people with known atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease
Kidney International 66 (suppl 92): S1 – S4, 2004

159. Mann J.
Kardiovaskuläres Risiko und Niereninsuffizienz.
Dtsch Med Wochenschr 129: 2479 – 2481, 2004

160. Hilgers KF, J Dotsch, W Rascher, JFE Mann.
Treatment strategies in patients with chronic renal disease: ACE inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists or both?
Pediatr Nephrol 19: 956 – 61, 2004


161. Dagenais GR, QL Yi, JFE Mann, J Bosch, J Pogue, S Yusuf.
Prognostic impact of body weight and abdominal obesity in women and men with cardiovascular disease.
Am Heart J 149: 54 – 60, 2005

162. Mann JFE, QL Yi, P Sleight, GR Dagenais, HC Gerstein, EM Lonn, J Bosch, S Yusuf.
Serum potassium, cardiovascular risk, and the effects of an ACE inhibitor: results of the HOPE study.
Clinical Nephrology 63: 181 – 187, 2005

163. Wanner Ch, V Krane, W Maerz , M Olschewski, JFE Mann, M Ruf, E Ritz.
Statins in the treatment of patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus undergoing hemodialysis
N Engl J Med 353: 238 – 248, 2005

164. Gerstein HC, J Pogue, JFE Mann, EM Lonn, GR Dagenais, M McQueen, S Yusuf. The Relationship Between Dysglycaemia, Cardiovascular and Renal Risk in Diabetic and Nondiabetic Participants in the HOPE Study: A Prospective Epidemiologic Analysis
Diabetologia 48: 1749-1755, 2005

165. Starck M, F Abedinpour, U Dendorfer, J Wagner-Czekalla, M Pachmann, JF Mann, C Nerl.
Acquired thrombotic thombocytopenic pupura as the presentino symptom of systemic lupus erythematosus. Successful treatment with plasma exchange and immunosuppression –report of two cases.
Eur J Haematol 75: 436 – 440, 2005

166. The HOPE-TOO investigators.
Long-term effects of ramipril on cardiovascular events and on diabetes.
Circulation 112: 1339 – 1346, 2005

167. Mann JFE.
Cardiovascular risk in patients with mild renal insufficiency: implications for the use of ACE inhibitors.
Presse Med. 2005;34:1303-8.


168. The HOPE-2 investigators.
Rationale, design and baseline characteristics of a large, simple, randomized trial of combined folic acid and vitamins B6 and B12 in high risk patients: The Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE)-2 trial.
Can J Cardiol 22:47-53,2006

169. The Hope-2 investigators.
Homocysteine lowering with folic acid and B vitamins in vascular disease.
N Engl J Med 354: 1567-1577, 2006

Mein Beitrag: Steering and adjudication committee member + national coordinator

170. Boes E, D Fliser, E Ritz, P Konig, E Lhotta, JF Mann, GA Muller, W Riegel F Kronenberg.
Apolipoprotein A-IV predicts progression of chronic kidney disease: the mild to moderate kidney disease study.
J Am Soc Nephrol. 2006 ;17:528-36.

171. Fischer H, E Höcherl, J Franke, J Mann.
Dialysepflichtige Niereninsuffizienz nach Pilzessen.
Der Internist 47: 423 – 426, 2006

172. McQueen MJ, Gerstein HC, Pogue J, Mann JFE, Yusuf S.
Re-evaluation by HPLC: Clinical Significance of Microalbuminuria in Individuals at High-Risk of Cardiovascular Disease in the Heart Outcomes Prevention Evaluation (HOPE) Study.
Am J Kidney Dis 48: 889-896, 2006

173. Mann JFE, Hilgers KF.
Clinic versus home blood pressure measurements as predictor of outcomes in chronic kidney disease – a commentary
Nature Clin Pract Nephrol 2: 473-4, 2006

174. Mann JFE, McClellan WM, Kunz R, Ritz E.
Progression of renal disease: Can we forget about inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 21:2348-51, 2006

175. Dendorfer U, Mann J.
Volumen- und Elektrolytstörungen bei medikamentöser Therapie
Internist 47: 1121-8, 2006


176. Mann JFE.
What’s new in hypertension?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 22: 47 – 53, 2007

177. Krane V, Krieter DH, Olschewski M, Marz W, Mann JF, Ritz E, Wanner C.
Dialyzer membrane characteristics and outcome of patients with type 2
diabetes on maintenance hemodialysis.
Am J Kidney Dis 49: 267 – 275, 2007.

178. Mann JFE, Kessler M, Villa G, Martinez-Castelao A, Feldt-Rasmussen B, Cruz J, Hoerl WH, Mattin C, Praml C, Wilkie M.
Darbepoetin alfa once every 2 weeks for treatment of anemia in dialysis patients: a combined analysis of eight multicenter trials.
Clin Nephrol 67:140-148, 2007

179. Mann J.
Therapie des hochnormalen Blutdrucks mit Angiotensinrezeptorblockern.
Internist 48:436-438, 2007

180. Keltai M, Tonelli M, Mann JFE, Sitkei E, Lewis BS, Hawken S, Mehta S and Yusuf S
Renal function and outcomes in acute coronary syndrome: impact of clopidogrel
Europ J Cardiovasc Prevent Rehab 14 : 312 – 318, 2007

181. Schiffrin EL, Lipmann ML, Mann JFE.
Chronic kidney disease: effects on the cardiovascular system.
Circulation 116: 85 – 97, 2007

182. Salehian O, Healey J, Stambler B, Alnemer K, Almerri K, Grover J, Bata I, Mann JFE, Matthew J, Pogue J, Yusuf S, Dagenais G, Lonn E.
Impact of ramipril on the incidence of atrial fibrillation: Results of the HOPE study.
Am Heart J 154: 448 – 453, 2007

183. Mann J.
Nephrologie: Spannende Verknüpfungen.
Deut Med Wschr. 36:1809, 2007


184. Kunz R, Friedrich Ch, Wolbert M; Mann JFE.
Effect of monotherapy and combination therapy with inhibitors of the renin-angiotensin system on proteinuria in renal disease.
Ann Int Med 148: 30-48, 2008

185. Mann J, Hilgers KF, Veelken R, Lenhardt C, Schiffrin EL.
Chronische Nierenerkrankungen und kardiovaskuläres System.
Der Internist 49: 413-421, 2008

186. Mann JFE.
What’s new in hypertension 2007?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 23: 466-70, 2008

187. Mann JFE, Sheridan P, McQueen MJ, Held C, Arnold MO, Fodor G, Yusuf S, Lonn EM.
Homocystein lowering with folic acid and B vitamins in people with chronic kidney disease – results of the renal Hope-2 study.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 23: 645-53, 2008

188. Kunz R, Wolbers M, Glass T, Mann JFE.
The COOPERATE trial: a letter of concern.
Lancet 371: 1575, 2008

189. Mann JFE, Schmieder RE, McQueen M, Dyal L, Schumacher H, Pogue J, Wang X, Maggioni A, Budaj A, Dickstein K, Keltai M, Metsärinne K, Oto A, Teo KK, Yusuf S for the ONTARGET investigators.
Renal outcomes with telmisartan, ramipril, or both, in people at high vascular risk (the ONTARGET study): a multicentre, randomised, double-blind, controlled trial.
Lancet 372; 547 – 553, 2008

190. Pinkau T, Ndrepepa G, Kastrati A, Mann JFE, Schulz S, Mehili J, Schömig A.
Glykoportein IIb/IIIa receptor inhibition with abciximab during percutaneous coronary interventions increases the risk of bleeding in patients with impaired renal function.
Cardiology 111: 247 – 253, 2008


191. Mann JFE, Schmieder RE, Dyal L, McQueen M, Schumacher H, Pogue J, Wang X, Probstfield JL, Avezum A, Carduna-Munoz E, Dagenais GR, Diaz R, Fodor G, Maillon JM, Ryden LR, Yu CM, Teo KK, Yusuf S.
Effects of telmisartan on renal outcomes.
Ann Int Med 151:1-10, 2009

1912. Mann JFE.
Whats new in hypertension 2008?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 24:38-42, 2009

193. Seyfarth M, Kastrati A, Mann JFE, Ndrepepa G, Byrne RA, Schulz S, Mehilli J, Schömig A.
Prognostic value of kindney function in patients with ST-elevation and non-ST-elevation acute myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention.
Am J Kidney Dis 54:830-9, 2009


194. Mann JFE, Tobe S., Teo KK, Yusuf S.
Is therapy of people with chronic kidney disease ONTARGET?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 25: 42-44, 2010

195. Mann JFE
What’s new in hypertension 2009?
Nephrol Dial Transplant 25: 37-41, 2010

196. Mann JFE, Green D, Jamerson K, Ruilope LM, Kuranoff SJ, Littke T, Viberti GC.
Avosentan for overt diabetic nephropathy.
J Am Soc Nephrol, 21: 527-535, 2010

197. Böhm M, Baumhäkel M, Teo K, Sleight P, Probstfield J, Gao P, Mann JFE, Diaz R, Dagenais GR, Jenings GLR, Liu L, Jamsky P, Yusuf S.
Erectile dysfunction predicts cardiovascular events in high risk patients receiving telmisartan, ramipril or both. The ONTARGET/TRANSCEND trials.
Circulation 121: 1439 – 1446, 2010

198. Carrera F, Lok CE, Francisco de A, Locatelli F, Mann JFE, Canaud B, Kerr PG, MacDougall IC, Besarab A, Villa G, Kazes I, Vlem van B, Jolly S, Beyer U, Dougherty FC.
Maintenance treatment of renal anemia in hemodoialysis patients with methoxy polyethylene glycol-epoietin beta versus darbepoietin alfa administered monthly: a randomized comparative trial.
Neprol Dial Transplant 25: 4009-4017, 2010


199. Mann JFE.
What’s new in hypertension in 2010?
Nephrol. Dial. Transpl. 26:50-55, 2011

200. Barzilay R, P Gao, M O’Donnell, JFE Mann, C Anderson, R Fagard, J Probstfield, GR Dagenais, KK Teo, S Yusuf.
Albuminuria and decline in cognitive function.
Arch Int Med 171: 142 – 150, 2011.

201. van der Velde M, Matsushita K, Coresh J, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey A, de Jong P, Gansevoort RT; the Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium, van der Velde M, Matsushita K, Coresh J, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey AS, de Jong PE, Gansevoort RT, Levey A, El-Nahas M, Eckardt KU, Kasiske BL, Ninomiya T, Chalmers J, Macmahon S, Tonelli M, Hemmelgarn B, Sacks F, Curhan G, Collins AJ, Li S, Chen SC, Hawaii Cohort KP, Lee BJ, Ishani A, Neaton J, Svendsen K, Mann JF, Yusuf S, Teo KK, Gao P, Nelson RG, Knowler WC, Bilo HJ, Joosten H, Kleefstra N, Groenier KH, Auguste P, Veldhuis K, Wang Y, Camarata L, Thomas B, Manley T.
Lower estimated glomerular filtration rate and higher albuminuria are associated with all-cause and cardiovascular mortality. A collaborative meta-analysis of high-risk population cohorts.
Kidney Int. 79: 1341 – 52, 2011

202. Gansevoort RT, Matsushita K, van der Velde M, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey AS, Jong PE, Coresh J; The Chronic Kidney Disease Prognosis Consortium, Gansevoort RT, Matsushita K, van der Velde M, Astor BC, Woodward M, Levey AS, de Jong PE, Coresh J, El-Nahas M, Eckardt KU, Kasiske BL, Ninomiya T, Chalmers J, Macmahon S, Tonelli M, Hemmelgarn B, Wang Y, Atkins RC, Polkinghorne KR, Chadban SJ, Shankar A, Klein R, Klein BE, Sacks F, Curhan G, Shlipak M, Sarnak MJ, Katz R, Fried LP, Hallan S, Lydersen S, Holmen J, Lee BJ, Ishani A, Neaton J, Svendsen K, Iseki K, Mann JF, Yusuf S, Teo KK, Gao P, Nelson RG, Knowler WC, Auguste P, Veldhuis K, Camarata L, Thomas B, Manley T.
Lower estimated GFR and higher albuminuria are associated with adverse kidney outcomes in both general and high-risk populations. A collaborative meta-analysis of general and high-risk population cohorts.
Kidney Int. 80: 93-104, 2011

203. Clase CM, Gao P, Tobe SW, McQueen M, Grosshennig A, Teo KT, Yusuf S, Mann JFE.
Contrasting incremental value of estimated glomerular filtration rate and albuminuria as independent and additive predictors of cardiovascular versus renal outcomes in 27,000 high risk people.
Ann Int Med, 154: 310-318 , 2011

204. Tobe SW, Clase CM, Gao P, McQueen M, Grosshennig A, Wang X, Teo KT, Yusuf S, Mann JFE.
Cardiovascular and renal outcomes with telmisartan, ramipril or both in people at high renal risk: results from the ONTARGET and TRANSCEND studies.
Circulation 123: 1098-1107, 2011

205. Maione A, Navaneethan SD, Graziano G, Mitchell R, Johnson D, Mann JFE, Gao P, Craig JC, Tognoni G, Perkovic V, Nicolucci A, de Cosmo S, Sassa A, Lamacchia O, Cignarelli, M, Manfreda VM, Gentile G, Strippoli GFM.
Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor blockers and combinded therapy in patients with micro- and macroalbuminuria and other cardiovascular risk factors: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials.
Nephrol Dial Transplant 26: 2827-2847, 2011

206. Mann JFE, de Francisco A, Nassar G, Canaud B.
Fewer dose changes with once-monthly CERA in patients with chronic kidney disease.
Clin Nephrol 76: 9-15, 2011

207. O’Donnell, MJ, Yusuf S, Mente A, Gao P, Mann JFE, Teo KK, Sleight P, McQueen M, Sharma A, Dans A, Probstfield J, Schmieder RE.
Urinary Sodium and Potassium and Risk of Cardiovascular Events: An Analysis of 7,000 Events in 29,000 High-Risk People
JAMA 306: 2229-2238, 2011

208. Schmieder RE, Mann JFE, Schumacher H, Gao P, Mancia G, Weber MA, McQueen M, Teo KK, Yusuf S.
Changes in Albuminuria Predict Mortality and Morbidity in Patients with Vascular Disease
J Am Soc Nephrol 32: 1353-1364, 2011


209. Clase CM, Holden RM, Sood MM, Rigatto C, Moist LM, Thomson BKA, Mann JFE, Zimmerman DL.
Should patients with advanced chronic kidney disease and atrial fibrillation receive chronic anticoagulation?
Nephrol Dial Transpl 27: 3719 – 3724, 2012

210. Ritz E, Hahn K, Ketteler M, Kuhlmann MK, Mann JF.
Gesundheitsrisiko durch Phosphatzusätze in Nahrungsmitteln.
Dtsch Arztebl Int 109:49-55, 2012


211. Mann JFE, Anderson C, Gao P, Gerstein HC, Boehm M, Ryden L, Sleight P, Teo KK, Yusuf S.
Dual inhibition of the renin-angiotensin system in high-risk diabetes and risk for stroke and other outcomes: results of the ONTARGET trial.
J Hypertension 31: 414-421, 2013

212. Jordan J, Mann JF, Luft FC.
Research needs in the area of device-related treatments for hypertension.
Kidney Int 84: 250 – 255, 2013

213. Veelken R, Mann JFE.
Sympathetic denervation as antihypertensive treatment – critical appraisal of first results
Nephrol Dial Transpl 28: 2698 – 2701, 2013

214. Barzilay JI, Gao P, Clase CM, Mente A, Mann JF, Sleight P, Yusuf S, Teo KK.
Albuminuria and rapid loss of GFR and risk of new hip and pelvic fractures.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol 8: 233-240, 2013

215. Gansevoort RT, Correa-Rotter R, Hemmelgarn BR, Jafar TH, Lambers Heerspink HJ, Mann JF, Matsushita K, Wen CP
Chronic Kidney Disease amplifies cardiovascular risk: impact, mechanisms and prevention.
Lancet 382: 339-352, 2013

216. Lambers-Heerspink HJ, Gao P, De Zeeuw D, Clase CM, Dagenais GR, Sleight P, Lonn E, Koon KT, Yusuf S, Mann JFE.
The effect of ramipril and telmisartan on serum potassium and its association with
cardiovascular and renal events: Results from the ONTARGET trial.
Europ J Prev Cardiol, 2013 DOI: 10.1177/2047487313510678

217. Marso SP, Poulter NP, Nissen SE, Nauck MA, Zinman B, Daniels GH, Pocock S, Steinberg WM, Bergenstal RM, Mann JFE, Brown Frandsen K, Moses AC, Buse JB
Design of the liraglutide effect and action in diabetes: Evaluation of cardiovascular outcome results (LEADER) trial
Am Heart J, 166: 823-30, 2013

218. Dunkler D, Dehghan M, Teo KK, Heinze G, Gao P, Kohl M, Clase CM, Mann JFE, Yusuf S, Oberbauer R.
Diet and kidney disease in high-risk individuals with type 2 diabetes.
JAMA Int Med 2013 doi 10.1001/jamainternmed.2013.9051


219. Hoekman J, Lambers Heerspink HJ, Viberti GC, Green D, Mann JFE, de Zeeuw D.
Predictors of congestive heart failure after treatment with an endothelin receptor antagonist
Clin J Am Soc Nephol 9: 490–498, 2014

220. Smyth A, O’Donnell MJ, Yusuf S, Clase CM, Teo KK, Canavan M, Reddan DN, Mann JFE.
Sodium intake and renal outcomes: a systematic review.
Am J Hypertens, 2014; doi 10.103/ajh/hpt294

221. Gilbert RA, Mann JFE, Hanefeld M, Gerstein HC. Basal insulin glargine and microvascular outcomes in dysglycaemic individuals: results of the ORIGIN trial.
Diabetologia, 2014 DOI 10.1007/s00125-014-3238-4

222. Steinberg WM, Nauck MA, Zinman B, Daniels GH, Bergenstal RM, Mann JFE, Ravn LS, Moses AC, Stockner M, Baeres FMM, Marso SP, Buse JB, LEADER investigators.
LEADER 3 – Lipase and amylase activity in subjects with type 2 diabetes.
Pancreas in press 2014

223: Schuh E, Ertl-Wagner B, Lohse P, Wolf W, Mann JFE, Lee-Kirsch ME, Hohlfeld R, Kümpfel T.
Multiple sclerosis like lesions and type I interferon signature in a patient with RVCL
Neurology: Neuroimmunology & Neuroinflammation 2:e55, 2014 DOI 10.1212/NXI000000000055

224. Smyth A, Dunkler D, Gao P, Teo KK, Yusuf S, O’Donnell MJ, Mann JFE, Clase CM.
The relationship between estimated sodium and potassium excretion and subsequent renal outcomes.
Kidney Intern, 86: 1205-12, 2014

225. Shiffman D, Pare G, Oberbauer R, Louie JZ, Rowland CM, Devlin JJ, Mann JFE, McQueen MJ,
A gene variant in CERS2 is associated with rate of increase in albuminuria in patients with diabetes from ONTARGET and TRANSCEND.
PLoS ONE 9: 1-0, 2014

226. Schneider MP, Mann JFE.
Endothelin antagonism for patiets with chronic kidney disease: still hope for the future.
Nephrol Dial Transpl 29: 69-73, 2014


227. Böhm M, Schuhmacher H, Schmieder RE, Mann JFE, Teo KK, Lonn E, Sleight P, Mancia G, Linz D, Mahfoud F, Ukena C, Sliwa K, Bakris G, Yusuf S.
Resting heart rate is associated with renal disease outcomes in patients with vascular disease: results of the ONTARGET and TRANSCEND studies
J Intern Med 2015; 278: 38-49

228. Dunkler D, Kohl M, Heinze G, Teo KK, Rosengren A, Pogue J, Gao P, Gerstein H, Yusuf S, Oberbauer R, Mann JFE.
Modifiable Lifestyle and Social Factors and Chronic Kidney Disease in High-Risk Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Kidney Intern, 2015; 87: 784-91

229. Bello AK, Levin A, Manns BJ, Feehally J, Drueke T, Faruque L, Hemmelgarn BR, Kernahan C, Mann J, Klarenbach S, Remuzzi G, Tonelli M
Effective CKD care in European countries: challenges and opportunities for health policy.
Am J Kidn Dis 65: 15-25, 2015

230. Then C, Ritzel K, Seibold Ch, Mann JFE, Reincke M.
Multiglandular hormone deficiency in a patient with systemic leak syndrome.
Case Rep Med, DOI 10.1155/2015/958283

231. Mann JFE, Böhm M.
Dual renin-angiotensin system blockade and outcome benefits in hypertension: a narrative review.
Curr Opin Cardiol 30: 000 – 000 , 2015

232. Gesualdo L, Combe C, Covic A, Delanna F, Goldsmith D, London G, Mann JF, Zaoui P, Turner M, Muenzberg M, MacDonald K, Abraham I.
Risk-based individulaization of target hemoglobin in hemodialysis patiets with renal anemia in the post-TREAT era: theoretical attitudes versus actual practice patterns (MONITOR-CKD5 study).
Int Urol Nephrol 2015, DOI 10.1007/s11255-015-0970-8

233. Floege J, Covic AC, Ketteler M, Mann JFE, Rastogi A, Spinowitz B, Chong EMF, Gaillard S, Lisk LJ, Sprague SM.
Long-term effects of the iron-based phosphate binder, sucroferric oxyhydroxide, in dialysis patients.
Nephr Dial Transpl 30: 1037-46, 2015

234. Rauen T, Eitner F, Fitzner C, Sommerer C, Zeier M, Otte B, Panzer U, Peters H, Benck U, Mertens PR, Kuhlmann U, Witzke O, Gross O, Vielhauer V, Mann JF, Hilgers RD, Floege J; STOP-IgAN Investigators
Intensive Supportive Care plus Immunosuppression in IgA Nephropathy.
N Engl J Med 2015; 373: 2225-36

235. Tiroch K, Sause A, Szymanski J, Nover I, Leischik R, Mann JF, Vorpahl M, Seyfarth M Intraprocedural reduction of the veno-arterial norepinephrine gradient correlates with blood pressure response after renal denervation.
EuroIntervention. 2015; 11: 824-34

236. Dunkler D, Kohl M, Teo KK, Heinze G, Dehghan M, Clase CM, Gao P, Yusuf S, Mann JF, Oberbauer R.
Dietary risk factors for incidence or progression of chronic kidney disease in individuals with type 2 diabetes in the European Union.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015; 30 Suppl 4: iv76-85

237. Regele F, Jelencsics K, Shiffman D, Paré G, McQueen MJ, Mann JF, Oberbauer R.
Genome-wide studies to identify risk factors for kidney disease with a focus on patients with diabetes.
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015; 30 Suppl 4: iv26-34

238. Mann JF, Rossing P, Wiȩcek A, Rosivall L, Mark P, Mayer G.
Diagnosis and treatment of early renal disease in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: what are the clinical needs?
Nephrol Dial Transplant. 2015; 30 Suppl 4: iv1-5

239. Dunkler D, Gao P, Lee SF, Heinze G, Clase CM, Tobe S, Teo KK, Gerstein H, Mann JF, Oberbauer R; ONTARGET and ORIGIN Investigators.
Risk Prediction for Early CKD in Type 2 Diabetes.
Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2015; 10: 1371-9

240. Daniels GH, Hegedüs L, Marso SP, Nauck MA, Zinman B, Bergenstal RM, Mann JF, Derving Karsbøl J, Moses AC, Buse JB, Tuttle RM; LEADER Trial Investigators.
LEADER 2: baseline calcitonin in 9340 people with type 2 diabetes enrolled in the Liraglutide Effect and Action in Diabetes: Evaluation of cardiovascular outcome Results (LEADER) trial: preliminary observations.
Diabetes Obes Metab. 2015; 17: 477-86


241. Dunkler D, Kohl M, Teo KK, Heinze G, Dehghan M, Clase CM, Gao P, Yusuf S, Mann JF, Oberbauer R; ONTARGET Investigators.
Population-Attributable Fractions of Modifiable Lifestyle Factors for CKD and Mortality in Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes: A Cohort Study.
Am J Kidney Dis. 2016 Jan 29.

242. LEADER-4: blood pressure control in patients with type 2 diabetes and high cardiovascular risk: baseline data from the LEADER randomized trial.
Petrie JR, Marso SR, Bain SC, Franek E, Jacob S, Masmique L, Leiter LA, Haluzik M, Satman I, Oman M, Shestakova M, Van Gaal L, Mann JF, Baeres FMM, Zinman B, Poulter NR.
J Hypertens, 34: 000-000, 2016

243. Krane V , Schmidt KR, Gutjahr-Lengsfeld L, Mann JFE,,März W, Swoboda F, Wanner Ch.
Long-term effects following 4 years of randomized treatment with atorvastatin in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus on hemodialysis.
Kidney Int 2016; 89:1380-7

244. Marso SP, Daniels GH, Frandsen KB, Kristensen P, Mann JFE, Nauck MA, Nissen SE, Pocock S, Poulter NR, Ravn LS, Steinberg WM, Stockner M, Zinman B, Bergenstal RM, Buse JB.
Liraglutide and Cardiovascular Outcomes in Type 2 Diabetes
N Engl J Med 2016; June 13 online

245. Satman I, Rea R, Eriksson M, Mosenzon O, Pratley R, Baeres FMM, Ørsted DD, Mann JFE
LEADER-6: : baseline renal function and associated factors in a high cardiovascular risk type 2 diabetes population.
J Diabetic Compl. 2016 in press

000. Mann JFE, E Stubner, U Frei, HH Neumayer, EW Scheuermann.
Membranous glomerulonephritis after renal transplantation.
in Vorbereitung


  • 1977
  • 1978
  • 1979
  • 1981
  • 1982
  • 1983
  • 1984
  • 1985
  • 1986
  • 1987
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  • 1991
  • 1992
  • 1993
  • 1994
  • 1995
  • 1996
  • 1997
  • 1998
  • 1999
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  • 2005

1. Mann JFE, MI Phillips, R Dietz, H Haebara H, JB Lüth, D Ganten
Unterschiedliche Wirkung zentraler und peripherer Angiotensin II Blockade beim genetischen Hochdruck der Ratte
Verh Dtsch Ges Kreislauff 43: 189-190, 1977

2. Dietz R, H Haebara, JB Lüth, JFE Mann, F Gross
Beeinflussung des genetischen Hochdrucks der Ratte
Verh Dtsch Ges Kreislauff 43: 10-14, 1977

3. Haebara H, R Dietz, JFE Mann, JB Lüth
Gefässveränderungen beim genetischen Hochdruck der Ratte. Verh Dtsch Ges Kreislauff 43: 15-19, 1977

4. Lüth JB, R Dietz, A Schömig, JFE Mann, F Gross
Erhöhte Empfindlichkeit der Gefässmuskulatur bei renaler und Corticosteron-Hypertonie
Verh Dtsch Ges Kreislauff 43: 198-199, 1977

5. Gross F, R Dietz, H Haebara, JB Lüth, JFE Mann
Spielt Renin eine Rolle in der Pathogenese des Hochdrucks?
Verh Dtsch Ges Kreislauff 43: 177-187, 1977

6. Gross F, R Dietz, H Haebara, JB Lüth, JFE Mann
Spielt Renin eine Rolle in der Pathogenese des Hochdrucks?
In: Essentieller Hochdruck und seine Behandlung, R Dietz, D Ganten, KG Hofbauer, JB Lüth (Hrsg), Schattauer, Stuttgart-New York, 54-59, 1977


7. Mann JFE, R Dietz, N Grünherz, H Haebara, JB Lüth, W Rascher, A Schömig, F Gross
Beeinflussung der Nierenfunktion spontan hypertoner Ratten
Verh Dtsch Ges Kreislauff 44: 202-204, 1978

8. Schömig A, R Dietz, JB Lüth, JFE Mann, W Rascher
Die Rolle des sympathischen Gefässtonus in der Pathogenese der genetischen Hypertonie der Ratte
Verh Dtsch Ges Kreislauff 44: 201-202, 1978

9. Ganten D, K Fuxe, MI Phillips, JFE Mann, U Ganten
The brain iso-renin-angiotensin system: Biochemistry, localization, and possible role in drinking and blood pressure regulation.
In: Frontiers of Neuroendocrinology vol. 5: WF Ganong and L Martini (eds.), Raven Press, New York, 61-99, 1978

10. Ganten D, AK Johnson, JFE Mann, R Rettig, P Schelling, G Wiedemann
Chronic beta-blockade: Reduction of blood pressure and drinking responses to centrally administered angiotensin.
In: Beta-blockade 1977, Lichtlen (ed.), Thieme Verlag, Stuttgart, 108-112, 1978


11. Phillips MI, JFE Mann, WE Hoffmann, H Haebara, P Schmid, D Ganten
Responses of stroke prone spontaneously hypertensive rats to central and peripheral angiotensin II and saralasin
Jap Heart J 20: 123-125, 1979

12. Gordon FJ, JR Haywood, MJ Brody, JFE Mann, D Ganten, AK Johnson
Effects of anteroventral third ventricle (AV3V) lesions on the development of hypertension in spontaneously hypertensive rats
Jap Heart J 20: 116-118, 1979

13. Dietz R, H Haebara, A Schömig, W Rascher, K Berecek, JFE Mann, JB Lüth, F Gross
The role of the kidney in the pathogenesis of spontaneous hypertension of rats
Jap Heart J 20: 52-54, 1979


14. Mann JFE, J Genest, T Unger, B Schölkens, W Rascher, A Schömig, D Ganten
A role for the renin-angiotensin system in central mechanisms of blood pressure control
In: New Trends in Arterial Hypertension, M Worcel et al (eds.), Elsevier/North-Holland Biomedical Press, Amsterdam, 101-115, 1981

15. Mann JFE, EL Schiffrin, PW Schiller, R Boucher, J Genest
The physiological significance of brain angiotensin receptors
In: Central Nervous System Mechanisms in Hypertension,
JP Buckley and CM Ferrario (eds.), Raven Press, New York, 337-350, 1981

16. Ganten D, T Unger, W Simon, K Schatz, B Schölkens, JFE Mann, G Speck, R Lang, W Rascher
Central peptidergic stimulation: focus on angiotensin and opioid peptides
In: Central Nervous System Mechanisms in Hypertension. JP Buckley and CM Ferrario (eds.), Raven Press, New York, 265-283, 1981

17. Ganten D, G Speck, JFE Mann, T Unger
Role of the brain renin-angiotensin system in central mechanisms of blood pressure control
In: Frontiers in Hypertension Research. JH Laragh, FR Bühler and DW Seldin (eds.), Springer, New York 269-273, 1981


18. Rambausek M, E Ritz, W Rascher, W Kreusser, JFE Mann, VAW Kreye, O Mehls
Vascular effects of parathyroid hormone
In: Regulation of Phosphate and Mineral Metabolism, SG Massry, JM Letteri, E Ritz (eds.), Plenum, New York, 619-631, 1982

19. Mann JFE
Vasopressin und Blutdruckregulation
Nephrolog Seminare Heidelberg, VIII, 1-7, 1982

20. Phillips MI, JFE Mann
Hypertension and sodium intake: is the brain renin-angiotensin system salient?
In: Salt and Hypertension, J Iwai (ed.), Igaku-Shoin, New York, 185-202, 1982

21. Mann JFE, K Andrassy, J Koderisch, U Ganten, E Ritz
Altered hemostasis in adult spontaneously hypertensive rats of the stroke-prone strain. In: Hypertensive Mechanisms
W Rascher, D Clough, D Ganten (eds.), Schattauer, Stuttgart, 662-664, 1982

22. Nemes Z, JFE Mann, R Dietz, JB Lüth, F Gross
Tracer studies on hypertensive vascular lesions
In: Hypertensive Mechanisms, W Rascher, D Clough, D Ganten (eds.), Schattauer, Stuttgart, 202-213, 1982

23. Mann J, M Rambausek, P Klooker, A Schömig, D Ganten, E Ritz
Hinweis auf einen permissiven Effect von Parathormon in der Blutdruckentwicklung von spontan hypertonen Ratten
Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med 88: 776-779, 1982


24. Mann JFE, M Hausen, A Kutter, R Sudhoff, E Ritz
Altered beta-receptor responsiveness in uraemic rats
Proc EDTA 19: 778-789, 1983

25. Klooker P, M Rambausek, W Kreusser, J Mann, E Ritz
Klinische und experimentelle Studien zur Myokardfunktion und Digitalis-Ansprechbarkeit bei Niereninsuffizienz
In: Digitalistherapie heute, H Gillmann and L Storstein
(eds.), Verlag für angewandte Wissenschaften, München, 135-143, 1983

26. Mann J, K Andrassy, E Ritz
Prazosin und Captopril in der Kombinationstherapie der schwer einstellbaren Hypertonie
Therapiewoche 33: 3933-3937, 1983

27. Ritz E, P Klooker, J Mann, M Rambausek
Zur Digitaliswirkung bei chronischer Niereninsuffizienz In: Wandlungen in der Therapie der Herzinsuffizienz, N Rietbrock, B Schnieders, J Schuster (eds.), Vieweg, Braunschweig, 131-138, 1983

28. Mann JFE, J Sis, E Ritz
Specific angiotensin binding to human blood cells
Proc EDTA 20: 562-565, 1983

29. Mann JFE, Ritz E
Effects of parathyroidectomy on blood pressure developement in eucalcaemic, spontaneously hypertensive rats
Proc EDTA 20: 220-222, 1983

30. Mann JFE
Stellenwert der Diuretika in der Hochdrucktherapie
Therapiewoche 33: 1837-1843, 1983


31. Mann J
Erweiterte Möglichkeiten durch neue Antihypertensiva
Med Welt 48: 584-586, 1984

32. Mann J, M Hausen, KH Jakobs, A Kutter, W Nagel,
W Rascher, M Schick, R Sudhoff, E Ritz
Zur Pathophysiologie adrenerger Rezeptoren in der Urämie
Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten 13: 175-178, 1984

33. Mann JFE, J Bommer, W Kreusser, P Klooker, M Rambausek, E Ritz
Parathyroid hormone and blood pressure in the spontaneously hypertensive rat
In: Phosphate and Mineral Metabolism, SG Massry, G Maschio, E Ritz (eds.), Plenum, New York, 291-293, 1984

34. Mann J, M Hausen, KH Jakobs, W Nagel, M Schick,
A Schömig, E Ritz
Verminderte chronotrope Wirkung von Isoproterenol in der experimentellen Urämie: Einfluss von Reserpin
Verh Dtsch Ges Inn Med 90: 1718-1720, 1984


35. Mann J, W Ritter, N Heckmann, F Sörgel, E Ritz
Pharmacokinetics of muzolimine after acute and chronic dosing in hypertensive patients with mild renal insufficiency
Z Kardiol 74 (suppl 2): 77-79, 1985

36. Mann J, K Andrassy, E Ritz
Pathophysiologische Begründung des Stufenschemas der Hypertoniebehandlung
Therapiewoche 35: 813-320, 1985

37. Mann J
Kombinationstherapie der Hypertonie
Fortschr Med 103: 58-60, 1985


38. Mann JFE, S Eisele, D Ganten, AK Johnson, R Rettig, E Ritz, Th Unger
Angiotensin dependent thirst following polyethyleneglycol treatment in the rat
In: The physiology of thirst and salt appetite, G De Caro, AN Epstein and M Massi (eds.), Plenum, London, 193-203, 1986

39. Mall G, T Mattfeld, C Hasslacher, JFE Mann
Morphological reaction patterns in experimental hypertrophy – a quantitative stereological study
In: Controversial issues in cardiac pathophysiology, R Jakob ed., Steinkopff Verlag, Darmstadt, 193-201, 1986

40. Ritz E, JFE Mann
Niere und Hochdruck
Kolloquium 4: 11-12, 1986

41. Johnson AK, MM Robinson, JFE Mann
The role of the renal renin-angiotensin system in thirst In: The physiology of thirst and sodium appetite, G de Caro, AN Epstein, M Massi eds., Plenum, London, 161-180, 1986

42. Mall G, T Mattfelt, M Rambausek, C Hasslacher, J Mann, B Volk, E Ritz, H Baust, A Neumeister, R Leonhard
Herztrophie bei chronischen metabolischen Störungen des Myokards: Experimentelle Modelle sekundärer Kardiomyopathien
In: Herzhypertrophie, HF Otto, G Mall (eds.), Springer, Heidelberg, 120-133, 1986

43. Mann JFE, RE Lang, M Leidig, E Ritz
Effect of angiotensin I converting enzyme inhibition on circulating atrial natriuretic peptide in humans
Klin Wochenschr 64: (suppl VI): 13-15, 1986

44. Mann JFE
Central nervous system effects of angiotensin II in renovascular hypertension
In: Renovascular Hypertension, N Glorioso, JH Laragh, A Rappelli eds., Raven, New York, 195-197, 1986


45. Mann J, E Ritz
Antihypertensive Therapie und Progression der Niereninsuffizienz
Fortschr Med 105: 709-712, 1987

46. Ritz E, J Mann
Renale Effekte von Konversionsenzymhemmern
In: Enalapril in der Behandlung der Hypertonie, HR Brunner & K Lehmann Hrsg, Thieme, Stuttgart, 25-33, 1987

47. Herbst WM, G Mall, T Mattfeld, J Mann, Ch Hasslacher
Leichte Druckhypertrophie versus milde Trainingshypertrophie – Ein quantitativ-stereologischer Vergleich
In: Sportmedizin – Kursbestimmung, H Rieckert Hrsg., Springer, Berlin, 995-997, 1987

47. Ritz E, J Mann, R Nowak
Die Bedeutung von Blei in der arteriellen Hypertonie
In: Hochdruck und Umwelt, FW Lohmann Hrsg., Walter de Gruyter, Berlin, 3-8, 1987

48. Ritz E, JFE Mann, E Stöppler
Saturnisme et rein
In: Actualites Nephrologiques, Flammarion, Paris, 221-254, 1987

49. Dreikorn K, L Röhl, R Horsch, J Mann
Nierentransplantation im höheren Lebensalter
Verh Dtsch Ges Urol, Springer, Berlin, 522-524, 1987

50. Mann J, K Dreikorn, E Ritz
Mögliche Langzeitfolgen nach unilateralter Nephrektomie
Verh Dtsch Ges Urol, Springer, Berlin, 504-505, 1987


51. Ritz E, M Schmid, G Ji-Zhen, JFE Mann
Salt and the action of calcium antagonists
J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 12: (suppl 6), 553-556, 1988

52. Mann J
Bedeutung der Sonographie für die Beurteilung der extrahepatischen Gallenwege
Kolloquium 6: 49-50, 1988

53. Ritz E, J Mann, M Rambausek
Renale Effekte der Konversionsenzymhemmer und ihr therapeutischer Einsatz bei chronischer terminaler Niereninsuffizienz
Z Kardiol 77: (Suppl. 3) 57-60, 1988

54. Ritz E, J Mann, M Rambausek
Renale Effekte der Konversionsenzymhemmer und ihr therapeutischer Einsatz bei chronischer terminaler Niereninsuffizienz
Mitt Klin Nephrologie 17: 38-46, 1988

55. Mann J, E Ritz
ACE-Hemmer bei Niereninsuffizienz
Therapiewoche 38: 1883-1890, 1988

56. Ritz E, JFE Mann, R Nowak
Lead and hypertension
In: Epidemiology and Prevention of Hypertension
Hrsg. Ulrich Laaser, Lars Wilhelmsen, PMI Verlag, Frankfurt, 19-25, 1988

57. Ritz E, JFE Mann, M Schmid
Salt and volume regulating systems
In: Salt and Hypertension R Rettig, D Ganten, TH Unger (eds), Springer, Heidelberg, 13-22, 1989


58. Mann J, Ch Reisch, E Ritz
Use of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors for the preservation of kidney function
Nephron 55: (Suppl1) 38-42, 1990

59. Mann J
Therapie der Hypertonie bei fortgeschrittener diabetischer Nephropathie.
Schriftenreihe Diabetes Akademie Mergentheim, K Bergis Hrsg., Verlag Kirchheim, Mainz, 18: 38-42, 1990


60. Hilgers K, JFE Mann
La production de renine par les vaisseaux
JAMA (Paris), Suppl.1:16-21, 1991

61. Neumayer HH, S Küchler, FC Luft, J Mann, M Weber, RB Sterzel.
Aseptische Femurnekrosen nach Nierentransplantation.
In: Hüftkopfnekrose, Th. Stuhler Hrsg., Springer, Heidelberg, pp 89-98, 1991

62. Mann J, M Weber, FC Luft.
Renovaskuläre Hypertonie: Welche Patienten profitieren von der konservativen Therapie?
Therapiewoche 41: 720-722, 1991


63. Wagner J, G Stein, J Mann, E Ritz.
Influence of dietary factors on the renal renin-angiotensin system.
Klin Wschr, 69: suppl 29, 35-38, 1992

64. DiBona GF, M Epstein, JFE Mann, M Nordlander.
Renal protective aspects of calcium antagonists.
Kidney Int, 41: suppl 36, 1, 1992

65. Schmieder RE, H Geiger, F Luft, J Mann.
Linksventrikuläre Hypertrophie, ein unterschätzterkardiovaskulärer Risikofaktor.
Therapiewoche, 42: 3092-3099, 1992


66. Mann J, HH Neumayer, R Waldherr.
De novo und rekurrierende Glomerulopathien im Transplantat.
Mitt Arbeitsg Klin Nephrol, 22: 43-56, 1993

67.Mann J.
Editorial: Hochdrucktherapie bei Niereninsuffizienz.
Herz + Gefäße, 13: 143, 1993

68. Mann JFE, FC Luft.
Hypertension-induced models of nephrosclerosis in the rat.
In: Experimental and genetic rat models of chronic renal failure (N Gretz, M Strauch, eds)
Karger, Basel, pp 141-147, 1993

69.Luft FC, ME Brier, K Klein, JFE Mann.
Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics of piretanide and furosemide in patients with chronic renal insufficiency.
In: Diuretics IV (JB Puschett, ed)
Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp 121-125, 1993

70. Mann J, H Walter, K Hilgers, F Luft.
Das Renin-Angiotensin System bei Diabetes mellitus.
In: Diabetes und Angiopathie (C Hasslacher, E Spanuth Hrsg.), Springer, Heidelberg, pp 43-54, 1993

71. Schmieder R, J Mann.
Einflußmöglichkeiten auf die Progression einer Herz- und Niereninsuffizienz: Wunschvorstellung oder Realität?
Z Kardiol, 82: S4-1, 1993


72. Hilgers KF, R Veelken, J Mann.
Das progrediente Nierenversagen: Fakten zum Einfluß der Hypertonie
Nephrologisches Jahresgespräch, 11: 24-29, 1994

73. Mann J.
Die ischämische Nephropathie.
Therapeut. Umschau, 51: 819-823, 1994


74. Mann JFE.
Hypertension and cardiovascular effects – long-term safety and potential long-term benefits of r-HuEPO
Nephrol Dial Transpl, 10 (suppl. 2): 80-84, 1995


75. Dunn CJ, A Markham, JFE Mann.
Epoetin Beta: Review of it’s pharmacological properties and clinical use in chronic renal failure
Drugs, 51: 300-319, 1996


76. Mann JFE, KF Hilgers, R Veelken, I Wolff. Hypertension in progressive renal disease. In: Pathogenic and therapeutic aspects of renal failure (KM Koch & G Stein eds), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 13 – 17, 1997

77. Mann J.
Prävention: Im Mittelpunkt steht der Bluthochdruck.
Der Dialysepatient, 1: 30-32, 1997


78. Mann J.
Renale Wirkungen und Nebenwirkungen der Angiotensin Rezeptorantagonisten.
Dialyse Aktuell, 2: 4-5, 1998

79. Mann J, J. Franke
Einseitig verkleinerte Niere.
Bayr. Internist, 18: 107-113, 1998

80. Mann JFE.
What are the short – and long-term consequences of anemia in chronic renal failure patients.
Excerpta Medica, Amsterdam, pp 1-20, 19


81. Mann JFE.
Consequences of anemia in chronic renal failure patients.
Nephrol Dial Transpl 14 (suppl 2): s29 – s36, 1999

82. Mann J.
Kardiovaskuläre Konsequenzen der Anämie des Dialysepatienten.
Nephrologisches Jahresgespräch, Mannheim, Verlag Deutsche Dialysegesell., pp 23 – 28, 1999

83. Mann JFE, U Thomae, HC Gerstein, J Franke, M Lievre.
Treatment of hypertension in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: focus on nephropathy.
In: Advances in Nephrology (JP Grünfeld ed), Mosby-Year Book, Chicago, 29: 214-223, 1999


84. Mann J, P Sleight.
Was bringt die HOPE Studie für die Praxis.
Münch. Med. Wschr. 142: 891-895, 2000


85. Mann J.
Grenzwertig erhöhtes Serumkreatinin – schon ein Warnzeichen?
Münch. Med. Wschr. 143: 997- 1000, 2001


86. Mann J.
Dem renalen Terminalstadium möglichst zuvorkommen.
Der Bayrische Internist 22: 339 – 340, 2002


87. Mann JFE.
Cardiovascular risk in patients with mild renal insufficiency: implications for the use of ACE inhibitors.
Presse Medicale, 34: ….. , 2005


  • 1985
  • 1987
  • 1988
  • 1989
  • 1990
  • 1991
  • 1992
  • 1993
  • 1994
  • 1995
  • 1997
  • 1998
  • 1999
  • 2001
  • 2003
  • 2004
  • 2005

1. Mann JFE
Angiotensin Rezeptoren
In: Arterielle Hypertonie, D Ganten, E Ritz (eds.), Schattauer, Stuttgart, 174-177, 1985

2. Mann JFE, E Ritz
Klinische Diagnostik
In: Arterielle Hypertonie, D Ganten, E Ritz (eds.), Schattauer, Stuttgart, 269-282, 1985

3. Mann JFE, J Allenberg
Renovaskuläre Hypertonie
In: Arterielle Hypertonie D Ganten, E Ritz (eds.), Schattauer, Stuttgart, 503-517, 1985


4. Mann J, E Ritz
Arterielle Hypertonie
In: Innere Medizin, G Schettler Hrsg., Thieme, Stuttgart, Bd I, 192-229, 1987


5. Ritz E, Ch Hasslacher, JFE Mann
Hypertension in diabetics with renal disease
In: The kidney and hypertension in diabetes, CE Mogensen (ed) Nijhoff, Boston, 179-189, 1988


6. Ganten D, JFE Mann
In: Endokrinologie, Innere Medizin der Gegenwart, RD Hesch Hrsg, Urban & Schwarzenberg, München, 464-471, 1989


7. Ritz E, Ch Hasslacher, J Mann, JZ Guo
Hypertension and vascular disease as complications of diabetes
In: Hypertension, JH Laragh & BM Brenner (eds), Raven Press, New York, 1703-1716, 1990


8. Mall G, J Mann, Ch Hasslacher, T Mattfeldt, E Ritz, S Onishi.
Morphometric study on the heart in combined renovascular hypertension and diabetes mellitus.
In: The Diabetic Heart, M Nagano & NS Dhalla eds., Raven, New York, pp 115-124, 1991

9. Schweizer-Reisch C, D Fliser, J Mann, E Ritz.
Thirty-six months follow-up in patients with renal failure on converting enzyme inhibitors or alternative antihypertensives.
In: Current Advances in ACE Inhibition – 2, GA McGregor & PS Sever eds., Churchill Livingstone, London, pp 218-222, 1991


10. Mann JFE, JR Allenberg, Ch Reisch, R Dietz, M Weber, FC Luft.
Renovascular Hypertension.
In: Oxford Textbook of Clinical Nephrology, S Cameron, AM Davison, JP Grünfeld, D Kerr, E Ritz (eds), Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp 2096-2117, 1992


11. Fleischmann G, FC Luft, J Mann.
In: Manuale nephrologicum, H Brass, Th Philipp, W Schulz (Hrsg), Dustri, München, pp VIII 8.1-8, 1993

12. Mann J, R Veelken.
Pathophysiologie der Hypertonie bei Nierenerkrankungen
In: Manuale nephrologicum, H Brass, Th Philipp, W Schulz (Hrsg), Dustri, München, pp VII 2.1-3, 1993

13. Mann J.
Pharmakokinetik von Konversionsenzymhemmer.
In: ACE-Hemmer Handbuch, G Bönner, KH Rahn Hrsg., Schattauer, Stuttgart, pp 177-222, 1993

14. Mann J.
Pharmakologie von Captopril, Enalapril, Lisinopril, Perindopril, Ramipril, Quinapril und Fosinopril.
In: Hagers Handbuch der Pharmazeutischen Praxis, E Hackenthal Hrsg., Springer, Heidelberg, 1993

15. Mann J.
Die einseitig verkleinerte und vergrößerte Niere.
In: Nieren- und Hochdruckkrankheiten, K Kühn, CA Baldamus, E Uhlich, G Stein, Hrsg., Pabst, Lengerich, pp 118-122, 1993


16. Mann J, M Middeke, H Geiger, F Luft.
Primäre Hypertonie.
In: Nephrologie – Innere Medizin der Gegenwart (KM Koch Hrsg.), Urban & Schwarzenberg, München, im Druck.

17. Schulz W, J Mann (Herausgeber)
Hochdruck und Niere.
Dustri, München, 1994

18. Veelken R, KF Hilgers, H Geiger, FC Luft, J Mann.
Das progrediente Nierenversagen: Fakten zum Einfluß der Hypertonie.
In: Hochdruck und Niere (W Schulz & J Mann Hrsg.), Dustri, München, pp 67-73, 1994


19. Mann JFE
Benazepril in patients with impaired renal function.
In: Benefits of benazepril in progressive renal insufficiency (J Ménard & CP Zucchelli Hrsg.), Parthenon, London, pp 41-45, 1995


20. Mann JFE, KF Hilgers, R Veelken, I Wolff.
Hypertension in progressive renal disease.
In: Pathogenic and therapeutic aspects of renal diseases (KM Koch & G Stein Hrsg.), Marcel Dekker, New York, pp 13 – 19, 1997

21. Mann J, KF Hilgers, R Veelken.
Renale Effekte der Angiotensinrezeptor Antagonisten.
In: Angiotensinrezeptor Antagonisten (P. Dominiak, Th. Unger Hrsg) Steinkopf,

22. Mann J, B Schwarzkopff, B. Strauer.
Arterielle Hypertonie.
In: Rationale Diagnostik und Therapie in der Inneren Medizin (M Classen, R Dierkesmann, H Heimpel, JR Kalden, KM Koch, J Meyer, FA Sprengel, R Ziegler, Hrsg), Urban & Schwarzenberg 1997, F 1-6


23. Mann J, Th Philipp, B Schwarzkopff, B Strauer.
Arterielle Hypertonie.
In: Rationelle Diagnostik und Therapie in der Inneren Medizin (M Classen, R Dierkesmann, H Heimpel, JR Kalden, KM Koch, J Meyer, FA Spengel, R Ziegler, Hrsg), Urban & Schwarzenberg, Stuttgart, 1998, F 1-12


24. Mann JFE, U Thomae, HC Gerstein, J Franke, M Lievre.
Traitment antihypertenseur au cours du diabete de type II: a propos de la nephropathie.
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